Thursday, April 26, 2012


Our final project was to create a performance art piece based on an object and how we could react or respond to it. It was to be either performed live in front of the class or in the form of a 5-8 minute long video. As you can imagine, all three groups chose to do a video to avoid the pressure of a live performance.

My group - Joyce Eccleston, Briana Knight, and I - had significant trouble coming up with a concept for our video. Eventually we decided to focus on the elements of romantic relationships and use flowers to represent the human nature present in them, as flowers are generally seen as symbols for love and affection, but also symbolize nature.

We took two separate evenings to film in a picturesque setting with a creek and field of flowers with the sun beginning to set behind the trees. This gave the video the look of a typical movie date where everything is perfect, which is essentially the effect we were going for. We did have some mishaps with battery power, so some parts are noticeably lower quality, as well as a problem with balancing in the creek, but that added an element of playfulness that we decided was a perfect addition to the video, despite getting a little wet.


The evolution of a relationship is a beautiful, intimate thing. The process of two entirely separate entities, existing in their own world and feeling isolated things, combining to become one functional body is extraordinary. There are layers of chemistry, compatibility, and sheer mystery that go into the process of joining people. Balance plays a key role in maintaining healthy relationships. One must feel as much love and support as they exude. The gender role typically given to depict a healthy relationship is the masculine figure supports while the feminine figure nurtures; however, the worth of a relationship cannot be gauged by something as simple as a social norm. A natural balance of the give and take of these characteristics can help people build a solid foundation. This piece is about the physical simplicity and pure, hidden bond and balance that pulls two beings together.

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