Saturday, June 2, 2012

Re: Outside Work #8: Renaissance Faire Poster

In my last post, I mentioned that the subject could probably use some edits. I would have uploaded this sooner, but I had difficulties the first time I tried and then I sort of forgot.

I felt that the original was pretty bare and lacked the fantasy element that is present at many Renaissance Faires. Unfortunately, I doubt this was submitted, as I simply turned it in to my teacher. I assumed he would ask if we wanted to submit it, but he never did. I'm not even sure if it would be allowed considering pretty much none of it is my original work. I simply re-colored and cropped things. (The castle in the background is from a Hayao Miyazaki movie called Laputa: Castle in the Sky.) Still yet, overall I'm very proud of this outcome.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Outside Work #8: Renaissance Faire Poster

For our final project in my Digital Media class, we were assigned to design a poster for the Alabama Renaissance Faire. Obviously, it should be in keeping with a Middle-Ages type of design. If I like it well enough, I can submit it to the actual committee for a contest. If it is chosen to be used the prize is $500! Here's hoping. Of course, it could probably use some edits.

Outside Work #7: Pointillism

For the third project in my 2D design class, we were supposed to pick a theme and create 6 images with pointillism that were supposed to emphasize texture. I chose the theme of wings.

This took forever and I didn't actually do it correctly, however. The only one that actually looks textured is the hummingbird wing on the bottom right, and that was the last one I did in a very rushed way. The others are too flat and don't look realistic.

Outside Work #6: Shape Study

The second assignment in my 2D design class was to focus on shapes and create two designs out of cut black paper. One of the designs was to be based on positive space, and the other based on negative space.

For my first one, I used my trip to China as inspiration. Specifically the weekend when we went to Taishan, or Mount Tai. It's one of China's tallest mountains and also one of the five spiritual mountains of Buddhism. I represented the mountain and it's shadow, as well as the 12 dragon pillars at the base and the temple at the peak.

The second design focuses on my education and how it began in one place and was centralized in one community as my knowledge grew through the grades, until graduation and beginning college where the path of education becomes specific and branches off in multiple directions.

Outside Work #5: Line Study

In my 2D design class, the first project was to make four 5in x 5in squares with different designs comprised of types of lines. The squares were supposed to be one with straight lines, one with diagonal lines, one with curved lines, and the last as a combination of all three. It took an incredibly long time, because the we were supposed to make 20 preliminary designs for each type of line. I didn't manage to get all of those done, but these final designs worked out quite well. My favorite is definitely the all curved lines one.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Outside Work #4: Mixed Self-Portrait

Our fourth assignment was to combine at least 3 photos of ourselves into one image. I had quite a bit of trouble coming up with something good enough, as I'm certainly not the kind of guy deserving of being used in artwork. Plus, doing so made me feel incredibly vain...

Still yet, I used these four pictures from my trip to China and managed to come up with this.

It's nowhere near as convincing as the last one. The proportions, perspective, and lighting are actually way off, but it's good enough.

Outside Work #3: PhotoShop Scene

With our third project in the Digital Media class, we were supposed to create a scene by putting together multiple different images. The idea was to have one object in scale with the scene, one significantly out of scale, and one hidden in plain sight.

I began with the above image. I added the boat and it's shadow, the lamp and it's reflection, a small silhouette of the Statue of Liberty on the horizon, a sea monster to the right of the boat, and I even flipped the sky to lower the sun's position. I tried to change the lighting on objects so that it looks as though the light is actually coming from the lamp. I think I did a pretty good job.
